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Articles Related to ADT

Sequence Variant in the TRIM39-RPP21 Gene Readthrough is Shared Across a Cohort of Arabian Foals Diagnosed with Juvenile Idiopathic Epilepsy

Juvenile idiopathic epilepsy (JIE) is a self-limiting neurological disorder with a suspected genetic predisposition affecting young Arabian foals of the Egyptian lineage. The condition is characterized by tonic-clonic seizures with intermittent post-ictal blindness, in which most incidents are sporadic and unrecognized. This study aimed to identify genetic components shared across a local cohort of Arabian foals diagnosed with JIE via a combined whole genome and targeted resequencing approach: Initial whole genome comparisons between a small cohort of nine diagnosed foals (cases) and 27 controls from other horse breeds identified variants uniquely shared amongst the case cohort.
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Pharmacokinetics, Biotransformation, Distribution and Excretion of Empagliflozin, a Sodium-Glucose Co-Transporter (SGLT 2) Inhibitor, in Mice, Rats, and Dogs

The metabolism, pharmacokinetics, excretion and distribution of a sodium-glucose co-transporter (SGLT 2) inhibitor, empagliflozin, were studied in mice, rats and beagle dogs following a single oral or intravenous administration of [14C]-empagliflozin. Empagliflozin was well absorbed in all species after oral administration.
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Targeted Approach for Prostate Cancer Treatment: Synthesis and Characterization of Docetaxel-Loaded Perfluorocarbon Nanodroplets

The purpose of this study is to synthesize and characterize nanodroplets, loaded with docetaxel for treatment of prostate cancer under MR-guided focused ultrasound. Water insoluble docetaxel encapsulated in nanodroplets is expected to be delivered into tumors with greater efficiency while minimizing drug related systemic toxicities when used in combination with focused ultrasound. The sequence of our studies toward development and characterization of docetaxel-loaded nanodroplets is as follows. First, we developed methods for synthesis of ultrasound-responsive, docetaxel-loaded nanodroplets (Doc-nd) by a solid dispersion technique. Secondly, we characterized Doc-nd by its morphology and size distributions using a dynamic light scattering (DLS) method.
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Editorial Board Members Related to ADT

Andrew Percy

Genome BC Proteomics Centre
University of Victoria
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