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Articles Related to Attitude and Practice

Assessment of Knowledge, Attitude and Practice on Louse Infestation and Associated Factors, Among Prisoners of Jimma Town Prison South Western Ethiopia

Background: Louse infestation is the poor personal hygiene and a blood feeding ectoparasitic insect of order ptrithirapetera. Inadequate access of water supply leads people to acquire communicable disease such as typhus and relapsing fever. Head lice cause much distress and worry in families with school-aged children. There are many available treatment options. Many of these options are costly and may not be effective.
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Development and Validation of Knowledge, Attitude and Practice on Healthy Lifestyle Questionnaire (KAP-HLQ) for Malaysian Adolescents

To develop and determine validity and reliability of the Knowledge, Attitude and Practice on Healthy Lifestyle Questionnaire (KAP-HLQ) among lower secondary adolescents.
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