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Articles Related to BIV

Requirements for Cryopreservation of In Vitro-Produced Bovine Embryos by a Standard Method of Vitrification

In relation to assisted mammalian reproduction, the goal of cryopreservation is to preserve without significant loss of viability a stock of gametes and/or embryos with a view to thawing those cells for use in in vitro reproduction treatments. There are numerous cryopreservation protocols, which vary in terms of cryoprotectant used, storage temperature, freezing and thawing rates, and the particular cells that they are suitable for preserving.
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Benefits and Constraints of Vitrification Technologies for Cryopreservation of Bovine In Vitro Fertilized Embryos

Cryopreservation is the use of ultra-low temperatures to preserve whole living cells and tissues in order to retain their structural integrity and maintain their physiological viability. It enables long term storage of cells in order to circumvent the need for continuous in vitro culture. When cryopreserving bovine embryos there are two means of cryopreservation: slow programmable freezing and vitrification. While controlled-rate and slow freezing can be applied widely to in vivo derived-embryos, this methodology remains less successful for embryos produced in vitro.
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Association between Stress and Dietary Behaviours among Undergraduate Students in Kuwait: Gender Differences

Studies have shown that a significant proportion of university students globally suffer from stress. Although many studies have reported an association between psychological stress and dietary behaviour, findings remain inconclusive. To date, no research in Kuwait has assessed the prevalence of stress and its relationship with dietary pattern among university students.
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Editorial Board Members Related to BIV


Associate Professor
School of Pharmacy
RK University

Xiaohong Kong

Medical & Molecular Virology Laboratory
Nankai University

John Abraham

Department of Conservation Biology and Entomology
University of Cape Coast
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