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Improvement of Bilateral Elevated Foveal Retinoschisis Following Sequential Vitrectomy with ILM Peel in a Patient with Enhanced S Cone Syndrome

To report outcomes after vitrectomy with ILM peel for bilateral elevated foveoschisis in a patient with Goldmann-Favre syndrome. Vitrectomy with ILM peel was done for one then the other eye of a 19 year-old patient with bilateral progressive enhanced s-cone syndrome associated elevated macular retinoschesis. Significant anatomical as well as visual improvements were noted in both eyes with regression of the macular edema, flattening of the retinoschesis, and a stable visual outcome thereafter. Despite the Inherent Risks of Surgery, Vitrectomy with ILM Peel may provide a possible surgical treatment option for patients with elevated retinal foveoschisis associated with enhanced S-cone syndrome.
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