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Articles Related to Buckling

An Innovative Look at Buckling of Cracked Ghraphene Nano Sheets Using Novel Extended Molecular Mechanics Method

In this paper, we take a creative look at the effect of cracking on the buckling of graphene sheets. We introduced a significant improvement in molecular mechanical calculations that more accurately examine the behavior of atomic bonds during the instability of nanostructures in the presence of defects. A molecular mechanics method based on the modified couple stress (MCS) theory to consider the size effect on the graphene plate is introduced. Primary cracks with different lengths, orientations, and numbers were examined. For each crack, buckling parameters such as critical load and buckling modes of graphene sheets were investigated. This model has better computational performance and less computational compactness than other models. Our studies show that cracks perpendicular to the load direction have a greater effect on buckling parameters, including modes and critical buckling load than cracks aligned to the critical load. Increasing the crack length will further reduce the critical buckling load. The effect of the number of cracks in two directions in buckling parameters was investigated. Increasing the number of cracks always decreases a critical buckling load. Increasing the number of cracks affects the first buckling mode more than others. The study of the eccentricity of cracks shows that with increasing the eccentricity distance, in cracks perpendicular to the loading direction, the critical buckling load will be further reduced. However, for cracks aligned with the load direction, increasing the eccentric distance has less effect on reducing the critical buckling load.
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