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Articles Related to Capsaicin

Capsaicinoids Increase Resting Metabolic Rate in Healthy Individuals under Fasting Condition

Obesity is a chronic metabolic condition of energy imbalance where energy intake exceeds energy expenditure. Resting energy expenditure (REE) represents calories burned at rest and accounts for >60% of total energy expenditure and is an important target for management of obesity. Capsaicinoids, extracted from Capsicum annuum have previously been shown to increase metabolism, lipolysis & induce satiety.
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Topical Delivery System for Phytochemicals: Capsaicin and Capsicum Tincture

Capsaicin, an active ingredient of Capsicum fruit, is currently undergoing “revival” in the clinical management of pain. However, the choice of its formulation is rather limited to the use of “old-fashioned” tinctures and recently the patches. In an attempt to improve the therapeutic outcome and develop its skin-friendly formulation, we prepared the vesicle-based drug delivery system with capsaicin.
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