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Articles Related to Caries Prevalence

Interrelation between Fluoride Content in Drinking Water and Dental Caries Prevalence Measured with DMF and ICDAS in Senegal

This study aimed to establish a correlation between the dental caries prevalence measured with the DMFT and ICDAS indexes and the rate of fluorine content in drinking water. A national dental caries prevalence data measured with ICDAS and DMFT indexes at several thresholds were correlated with the fluoride content of drinking water in several regions of Senegal. The dental caries prevalence was calculated based, distinctively, on the DMFT and ICDAS criteria. The variation of the rate of fluorine content in the drinking water of different regions was calculated according to the WHO reference rate. When the DMFT index is used, the dental caries prevalence correlates with the rate of fluor content in drinking water. But, when dental caries prevalence is measured with ICDAS, our results show that the rate of fluorine contained in drinking water does not affect the decayed teeth prevalence.
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Oral Hygiene Practices and Caries Prevalence among 9-15 Years Old Ghanaian School Children

Good oral hygiene protects against oral diseases such as caries and gum infections. Twice daily tooth brushing with fluoride pastes and flossing are recommended to keep mouth clean and reduce plaque bacterial growth. Poor access to oral cleaning material and dental care services expose children from poor backgrounds to oral diseases.
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