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Articles Related to Cesarean section

Prevalence of Cs and Early Maternal Complication, among Cs Delivered Mothers at Jugol Hospital, Harar, Ethiopia

The rise in cesarean delivery has higher maternal risks for the current and subsequent pregnancies. It is associated with short and long term complication as any surgical procedure. As prevalence of Cesarean section increased beyond reminded range without concomitant decrease in maternal and neonatal mortality and morbidity rates significant concern that C/S is over used once women has had one birth by Ceserean section.
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Effects of Oxytocin and Carbetocin on Haemostatic Variables in Pregnant Women after Cesarean Section

Uterine atony is the first cause of haemorrhage at delivery. To prevent post partum major bleeding uterotonic prophylactic drugs are commonly used after caesarean section. Few studies showed an haemostatic activation after oxytocin infusion while no data are available on carbetocin.
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Descriptive Study of Exposure to Inhalation Zanamivir and Pregnancy-Related Outcomes

The Health Improvement Network (THIN) provided data from UK General Practitioners (GPs) for 144 pregnant women who were prescribed zanamivir and 144 age- and date-matched untreated comparators with no recorded diagnosis of influenza. Groups were assessed for baseline characteristics, treatment-emergent diagnoses in the mother, pregnancy outcomes and congenital malformations diagnosed in the offspring within 28 days of birth.
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