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Articles Related to Chest X Ray

Should the Lateral Chest Radiograph be a Routine Projection in the Diagnosis of Pneumonia in Children: A Narrative Review?

Chest x-rays (CXR) are frequently used in the diagnosis of pneumonia in pediatrics patient. The lateral projection produces more than double the effective patient dose than the frontal (anterior-posterior (AP)/ posterior-anterior (PA)) projection in CXR series, with potentially little assistance in diagnosing disease.
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Radiation Awareness amongst Junior Doctors

Recent literature has suggested that junior doctors’ knowledge of ionising radiation is inadequate. Advances in technology and availability have led to of these investigations being readily requested. Exposure is associated with adverse risks especially malignancy; therefore in accordance with the Ionising Radiation (Medical Exposures) Regulation (IR(ME)R), clinicians should be aware of radiation doses and their legal responsibility as referrers.
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