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Arduino Use in Education Systems to Monitor the Noise in Schools Classrooms in Qatar

Many students suffer from the sound of air conditioners and others suffer from light intensity in classroom. The air conditioners and light intensity affect the efficiency and quality of education. Urduino is used a lot in industrial areas because there is a lot of noise pollution. Additionally, it can be used in high traffic regions as well as to monitor noise in different parts of the city. It can also be used in education systems to monitor the noise in classrooms. The purpose of this study was to monitor the noise in classrooms by Arduino Nano that interfaced with a Sound Sensor. A study was conducted to determine the ambient sound and light intensity of a convenience sample at school during September, October and November 2021. Six classrooms’ samples corresponding to hourly fractions of the average sample broken down into the following periods: from 10:00 am to 2:50 pm. Sound levels were measured to assess acoustic conditions. Light levels were measured to assess light conditions. Each classroom from 1 to 6 was tested the ambient sound intensity and light using an Arduino. Noise varies with time and place. The sound level varies between 27.5 dB and 65 dB with the average sound level in the classrooms was 43.53 dB greater than recommended sound level limit of 35 dB. The light intensity varies between 62.50 lux and 208.5 lux. The average light levels around the recommended 300 lux. Everyone emphasized the quality of using the device to measure the noise level in the classroom. The use of the device leads to monitor the noise of the air conditioner or replacing it. The device has the potential to significantly change the noise pollution monitoring system at school. Researchers recommend all students and authorities the importance of the Arduino.
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Editorial Board Members Related to Classroom

Ahmed Abdellatif

Assistant Professor
Department of Biology
American University in Cairo

Frank Portugal

Associate Professor
Department of Biology
The Catholic University of America
United States
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