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Articles Related to HIV prevention

Evaluation of a Theory-Based Behavior Change Intervention to Increase HIV Self-Testing Uptake and Linkage to HIV Prevention, Care, and Treatment Among Hard-to-Reach Populations in Northern Tanzania

Introduction: Tanzania aims for 95% of persons living with HIV (PLHIV) to know their serostatus by 2023. Methods: An uncontrolled before-after study design was conducted between March 2018 (pre-intervention phase) and July 2018 (post-intervention phase). A total of 183 participants (males=89; females=94) were recruited for this study. Data were collected at baseline and at the one-month and three-month follow-ups using a pre-and post-test semi-structured questionnaire. Descriptive data are presented using measures of central tendency and their respective measures of dispersion. No comparative statistical analysis was performed.
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Sustaining HIV Prevention, Care and Treatment Programmes for the Youths in Chipata Districts through Youth Leadership

Comprehensive HIV prevention information, access and utilization of Sexual and Reproductive Health(SRH) services, is low among the migrants mobile and displaced populations of our catchment area namely Katete, Chadiza and Chipata in district in the eastern province of Zambia. This is one of the provinces with a highest number of, migrants; sex workers truck drivers and cross border traders due to the economical Nacala corridors that bring the three countries namely Zambia, Malawi and Mozambique, also the traditional ceremonies that bring the three countries together each year has seen high numbers of people migrate between the three countries this has led to high numbers of STIs, HIV and unsafe abortions. Alcohol and substance abuse, peer pressure among this population.
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Evaluation of a Sexuality Education Program: A Peer-Led HIV Prevention Intervention in Argentina

Between 2010-2014, Fundacion Huesped and the Youth for Health Network implemented a sexuality education program, dance4life, in public schools in Argentina. A process evaluation was conducted in 2014 to assess the implementation of the program between 2010 and 2013, and make preliminary assessments of the impact on youth sexual and reproductive health.
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Evaluating Lifting Barriers to Universal Access Project: A Step by Step Transformative Process for Increased Access to HIV Prevention and Treatment Services for Sexual Minorities in 2 Communities in Zimbabwe

In partnership with GALZ, Simbarashe network of PLHIV and ZWAAPV, SAfAIDS implemented Lifting Barriers to Universal Access Project: A Step by Step Transformative Process for Increased Access to HIV Prevention and Treatment Services for the Sexual Minorities in 2 Communities in Zimbabwe.
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HIV/AIDS-Related Knowledge among Persons with Physical Disability in Cameroon: A Qualitative Study

The physically disabled have historically been excluded from HIV planning and programming largely due to perceptions that they are not sexually active.
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Editorial Board Members Related to HIV prevention

Maretha Visser

Department of psychology
University of Pretoria
South Africa
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