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Articles Related to NICE

Availability and Knowledge of Iodized Salt at Household Level and Associated Factors at Debre Tabor Town, Northwest Ethiopia

IDDs are among the major public health problems of the world. Nearly two billion individuals worldwide and about 350 million Africans are at risk of iodine deficiency and face many risks from its deficiency and complications. Poor knowledge related to iodine diet and iodized salt utilization were some of the factors. Poor Educational status, Occupation and Sources of Information were frequently cited factors related to Knowledge on iodized salt consumption. Iodized salt is an effective and cheap method to prevent and control iodine deficiency in the community.
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Radiation Awareness amongst Junior Doctors

Recent literature has suggested that junior doctors’ knowledge of ionising radiation is inadequate. Advances in technology and availability have led to of these investigations being readily requested. Exposure is associated with adverse risks especially malignancy; therefore in accordance with the Ionising Radiation (Medical Exposures) Regulation (IR(ME)R), clinicians should be aware of radiation doses and their legal responsibility as referrers.
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The Effects of the Special K Challenge on Body Composition and Biomarkers of Metabolic Health in Healthy Adults

The Special K Challenge is a short term (14 day) partial meal replacement diet designed to reduce body mass and motivate long term reduction in body mass.
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Unfolding Tragedy in Ukraine

In bold contrast with most other countries in the Eurasian region, Ukraine legalized opioid substitution therapy (OST) for injection drug users in 2004. OST provides addicts with drugs that safely substitute for heroin and ease dependence, all under the supervision of trained support staff.
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Editorial Board Members Related to NICE

Ibrahim El-Sherbiny

Associate Professor
Department of Nanomaterials Science
University of Science and Technology


University of Washington
United States


Department of Family & Community Medicine
King Khalid University
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


Visiting Professor
Ilia University
Republic of Georgia


Professor of Human Nutrition
Department of Nutrition and Food Science
American University of Beirut
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