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Articles Related to Nanocarriers

Recent Advancements Involving Immunoliposomes to Target Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is caused by genetic abnormalities resulting in uncontrolled growth of breast cells, and is the most commonly diagnosed cancer amongst women. The clinical use of liposomal-based drugs to treat solid tumors such as breast cancer has been shown to improve the overall pharmacological properties of otherwise “unencapsulated” cytotoxic agents.
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An Introduction to the Approaches of Novel Drug Delivery Systems for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS)

The currently available anti HIV agents have several drawbacks such as short half life, low bioavailability, poor CNS penetration and retention, hepatic first pass metabolism, undesirable side effects and frequent dosing regimen.
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Perspectives and Potential Applications of Ruthenium-Based Nanocarriers for Cancer Therapy

Cancer is a highly heterogeneous disease characterised by continuous uncontrolled growth and expansion of abnormal cells. In general, in tumor cells the signalling pathways regulating cellular processes, as cell growth and division and cell to cellcommunication result strongly altered.
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