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Articles Related to Regression model

Multivariate Multiple Regression Models Based on Principal Component Factor Scores to Predict Bodyweight from Morphometric Traits in a Population of Indigenous Sheep in Ethiopia.

This study aimed at assessing variability among morphometric traits, deducing components that describe these traits and predicting bodyweight from both original and orthogonal traits using regression models. Bodyweight and fifteen morpho- metric traits namely height-at-whither (HW), body-length (BL), chest-depth (CD), chest-girth (CD), rump-length (RL), rump-height (RH), pelvic-width (PW), shoulder-width (SW), head-width (HdW), head-lengthHdL), cannon-bone-length (CBL), cannon-bone-circumference (CBC), ear-length (EL), horn-length (HL), tail-length (TL), and tail-circumference (TC) were recorded on 600 extensively managed and randomly selected adult sheep.
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Modelling the Occurrence of Dental Carries in Adult Population in Ghana; a Comparison of Competing Count Regression Models

Dental carries is a disease with both high prevalence and severity in adults’ worldwide population. Dental carries affect over half of the population in both developed and developing countries globally. Since the outcomes from dental carries are mostly discrete, they are often modelled using count regression models. It is therefore the purpose of this study to determine the appropriate count regression model that efficiently fits the Decayed Mining and Filled Teeth Data (DMFTDATA) and further identify the key risk factors contributing significantly to dental carries in adults in Ghana using the appropriate count regression model.
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Predicting Multi-Drug Inhibition Interactions based on Signaling Networks and Single Drug Dose-Response Information

Inhibiting multiple pathways/targets with combination drug therapies is widely used to maximize therapeutic benefit in many diseases. Therapeutic success can often be improved by concurrently and/or sequentially inhibiting multiple pathways/targets by combining drugs with different mechanisms of action.
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