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Articles Related to Splenectomy

Giant Primary Epithelial Splenic Cyst in an Adolescent Girl – Report of Successful Management of a Rare Case

Splenic cysts are very unusual in daily surgical practice and less than 1000 cases have been reported in literature till date. These are classified as true or pseudocyst based on presence or absence of epithelial lining. Primary, true or epithelial splenic cysts are even rarer. Most of the cases are asymptomatic until of significant size, at which time they are then detected incidentally on ultrasonography or CT scan. We report a case of 13 years old girl who presented to us with a huge lump in central and left upper part of the abdomen.
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Cardiac Tamponade and Splenic Littoral Cell Angioma: An Unusual Presentation of a Very Rare Disease

Littoral cell angioma (LCA) is a rare benign vascular splenic tumor that can evolve, potentially, into a malignant form. It can be found incidentally in the majority of cases during ultrasound (US) or other imaging exams, performed for other problems.
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