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Articles Related to Thoracic spine

Solitary Plasmacytoma of the Thoracic Spine

Solitary bone plasmacytomas account for approximately 5% of plasma cell malignancies. These lesions are recognized as pre-malignant, if untreated, at least 50% will progress to multiple myeloma within 5 years of diagnosis. We present a case of a 54 year old male patient whom presented to our unit complaining of progressive axial backache complicated by acute onset paraplegia of 8 hours duration. Neurological examination revealed an incomplete L1 sensory level and no motor function of his lower limbs which had power 0/5 in all dermatomes (Frankel B).
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Vertebro-Spinal Hydatidosis: Case Report

Hydatid disease is caused by the larval form of parasitic tapeworm; Echinococcus granulosus. Primary spinal hydatid disease is rare. Primary bone localization is rare and it accounts between 0.5% and 4%. Spinal localization accounts for less than 1%. The infection may be misdiagnosed initially.
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