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Articles Related to antenatal

Demographic and Socioeconomic Influence on Antenatal Care Utilization Among Pregnant Women in Wa Municipality of The Upper West Region of Ghana

Introduction: It remains unclear if benefits of antenatal care can be attributed to the amount and content of care or to uncontrolled risk factors that might also affect its use. An understanding of the factors influencing antenatal care is still a challenge because the pathways through which the effects are obtained remain elusive. Objective: The study examined the factor influencing antenatal care utilisation in the Wa Municipality. Methodology and Data: The study employed a retrospective cohort design. The probability proportionate to size sampling was used to select the sub-district health catchment facilities, while the systematic random sampling was used to select respondents. Data was collected from 353 women based on the status of Antenatal care utilization. Results: The results suggest that the educational status, maternal knowledge on adequacy of four or more antenatal care, score for general services received, number of tetanus toxoid doses received and anaemia status at Antenatal care registration were significant predictors to adequate antenatal care utilization. Conclusion: The study further found that women who had anaemia at antenatal care registration, General quality of received women received at antenatal care, level of Tetanus doses as well as knowledge on the adequacy of antenatal care were significant factors that influence antenatal care usage among reproductive aged women in the Wa municipality. The implication is that, attention should be drawn by health management authorities to ensure an improvement in the coverage antenatal care in Wa Municipal while health staff are encouraged to enforce to the latter all due protocols in the discharge of their duties at antenatal care utilisation in Ghana
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Thrombocytopenia in Women Initiating Antenatal Care in Port Harcourt

Thrombocytopenia is a reduction in the platelet count below the reference range of 150 x 109 /L. It is the second commonest hematologic disorder, following anaemia in pregnancy. Women with thrombocytopenia in pregnancy have a higher tendency to bleed; postpartum haemorrhage is a major cause of maternal mortality in our setting.
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Ultrastructure of the Frontal Cortex Neurons of 5-Day-Day Rats after Antenatal Alcoholization

Antenatal alcoholization leads to a number of specific disorders in the offspring organism, grouped into the concept of fetal alcohol syndrome, which is included in the fetal alcohol spectrum disorders. The negative effects of alcohol on the developing fetal brain include structural abnormalities of the brain, neurological, behavioral and cognitive defects.
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Unusual Cause of Hemiparesis in a Child

A 12 years old child presented to a tertiary hospital in India with weakness and poor growth of the left side of the body since birth (Figure 1).
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