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Articles Related to glycolysis

microRNA 181a-5p Reprogramed Glucose and Lipid Metabolism in Non- Small Cell Lung Cancer

microRNAs play critical roles in cancer metabolisms. miRNA-181a-5p is significantly down-regulated in non-small lung cancer tissue and mesenchymal like lung cancer cells. Epithelial-mesenchymal transition mechanisms and cancer metabolism are controlled by the same signaling pathway.
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The Fatal Alcoholic Ketoacidosis as a Dilemma in the Differential Diagnosis in Unexpected Deaths

48-years old man was found dead at home, lying in his bed. There was a bucket with liquid vomited remnants with no addition of fresh or digested blood found near the bed and an empty bottle of alkaline mineral water often used to attenuate the gastric pain.
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Unexplained severe lactic acidosis in emergency medicine

Case report A 49-year-old previously healthy man was admitted to the ICU after cardiac arrest following a short history with headache, blurred speech and reduced consciousness. After cardiopulmonary resuscitation perfusion rythm was regained, but the patient didn`t regain consciousness.
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