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Articles Related to midbrain

Diencephalon-Mesencephalon Dysplasia, with Dysplastic Basal Ganglia, and Midline Fusion, a Case Report of Novel Appearances

Diencephalic-mesencephalic junction dysplasia is a rare malformation characterized by a poorly defined junction between the diencephalon and the mesencephalon, associated with a characteristic butterfly-like contour of the midbrain on axial Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) sections (butterfly sign). This condition may be variably associated with other brain malformations, including callosal abnormalities and supratentorial developmental hydrocephalus. We report one newborn with third-trimester fetal ultrasound (US) showing ventriculomegaly. After full-term delivery, the baby had microcephaly and generalized hypotonia, and MRI undertaken at age of 5 days, showed features of diencephalic-mesencephalic junction dysplasia (DMJD). The hypothalamic-midbrain fusion and midbrain butterfly sign could have been seen on fetal MRI, thus allowing for the prenatal diagnosis of DMJD, with implications for the surgical management of hydrocephalus and parental counseling.
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m6a RNA Methylation: The Implications for Health and Disease

The recent resurgence of interest in m6A has been spurred by some intriguing findings detailing the effects and dynamics of this epigenetic modification. The m6A modification is a highly reactive and fluid modification which can respond rapidly to a broad variety of stimuli, and translate these signals into cellular activity. The little information that has been established on its functional capacity has opened up many new avenues of research and has tremendous implications for several fields of study.
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