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Articles Related to minerals

Anti-Inflammatory and Anti-Arthritic Efficacy and Safety of Purified Shilajit in Moderately Arthritic Dogs

The objective of this investigation was to evaluate the efficacy and safety of purified Shilajit in moderately arthritic dogs. Ten client-owned dogs in a randomized double-blinded study received either a placebo or Shilajit (500 mg) twice daily for a period of five months. Dogs were evaluated each month for physical condition (body weight, body temperature, heart rate, and respiration rate) and pain associated with arthritis (overall pain, pain from limb manipulation, and pain after physical exertion).
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Editorial Board Members Related to minerals


Professor of Human Nutrition
Department of Nutrition and Food Science
American University of Beirut

Eric Fung

Professor of Pharmacology
Department of Oral Biology
University of Nebraska Medical Center College of Dentistry
United States
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