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Variation in the Incidence of Self-Immolation According To Culture and Income Level: A Literature Review

Self-immolation is most commonly observed in the Middle East and Western Asia. It is far less common in the Western world. Documented cases in the West indicate that victims are more likely to be immigrants, indicating that there may be cultural influences that motivate this behavior. We have performed a literature review on self-immolation in order to better understand the cultural differences behind selfimmolation and the psychopathology related to this specific behaviour.
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Accidental Hypothermia in the Upper Midwest: A Dual Case Report Comparison

Accidental hypothermia is a potentially life-threatening situation that involves a debilitated patient and is a result of environmental exposure.
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Effects of Oxytocin and Carbetocin on Haemostatic Variables in Pregnant Women after Cesarean Section

Uterine atony is the first cause of haemorrhage at delivery. To prevent post partum major bleeding uterotonic prophylactic drugs are commonly used after caesarean section. Few studies showed an haemostatic activation after oxytocin infusion while no data are available on carbetocin.
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