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Articles Related to nanocomposites

Carbon Nanocomposites Deposition under Laser Breakdown from Liquid Toluene

Carbon nanocomposites deposition under toluene irradiation through transparent glass by nanosecond infrared laser radiation at ambient conditions was experimentally investigated. The dependence of deposited coatings thickness on the laser pulse duration and absorbed energy amount is revealed. The atomic force microscope, scanning electron microscope and modulation interference microscope are employed to definition deposited films morphology. The average nanocomposites thickness on a glass substrate increases with the number of laser pulses. Raman spectroscopy was used to determine allotropic modification of synthesized nanocomposites. Raman spectra analysis confirms the presence of significant amount sp3 fraction and some sp2 fraction.
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Tio2/Polymer Nanocomposites for Antibacterial Packaging Applications

Packaging material should meet many requirements for safe preservation of food and extend shelf life. Utilization of nanoparticles to prepare active packaging films has been widely investigated. This review deals with food packaging films modified with nano titania to enhance mechanical, barrier and antibacterial properties of the packages.
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Polymer Nanocomposite: A Promising Flame Retardant

Fire has long been a major hazard in our lives. From the fire protection engineering point of view, most fire hazards could be controlled when we consider all contribution factors, such as ignitability, flame spread, materials flammability, and fire suppression.
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Synthesis and Characterization of Nanocomposites Using the Nanoscale Laser Soldering in Liquid Technique

We have synthesized Au/CuO and Au/ZnO nanocomposites using the laser soldering technique. The process was carried out by irradiating a solution containing Au-CuO and Au-ZnO nanoparticles using 532 nm laser pulses of 0.1 J/cm2 continuously for 20 minutes.
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Welcome to Journal of Materials Science and Nanotechnology

Why one more journal on materials and/or nanotechnology? Well, we all live in a nano-materials world. Trivially enough, each and every object, tool or device is made up of structured matter. At the same time, matter is intrinsically structured at the nanoscale level, via ions, atoms and molecules, and related assemblies.
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Editorial Board Members Related to nanocomposites

Salerno Marco

Department of Nanophysics
Italian Institute of Technology


Department of Food Science
Rutgers University
United States

Mohamed Khayet

Department of Applied Physics
Complutense University of Madrid


Chemistry Division
Los Alamos National Laboratory
United States


Assistant Professor
Department of Chemical Engineering
Oklahoma State University
United States


Department of Materials
Loughborough University
United Kingdom

T Theivasanthi

Assistant Professor
Kalasalingam University

Kamyar Shameli

Senior Lecturer
Department of Environmental Engineering & Green Technology
Malaysia-Japan International Institute of Technology
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