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Articles Related to phenotypic

Characterization of Indigenous Goats Type Using Morphological Characters in South West Shewa Zone, Oromia, Ethiopia.

This study was conducted in South west Shewa zone, to describe phenotypic characterization of indigenous goat type in Tole and Becho districts. Morphological and Linear body measurement were carried out to collect necessary raw data during the current study. Morphological characters and linear body measurements were collected from a total of 460 adult goats. Data collected from each site were coded and entered into the computer (Excel 2016 and SPSS, V21, 2013) computer software to facilitate for further analysis. Data collected through Morphological and linear body measurements were analyzed using (SPSS, V21, 2013 and SAS, release 9.2, 2008). Most frequently observed coat color pattern in study was plain 62.8%. Multiple correlations between body weight and linear body measurements were computed for the population within each sex and correlations among body weight and linear body measurements were positive for both sexes. The strong, positive and significant correlation between heart girth and body weight was observed (r = 0.97, 0.93) for male and female population, respectively. Generally, this study was aim to describe phenotypic characterization of indigenous goat type in the study area. The Most observed body color type was plain in the study area so its need investigation because farmers need plain color rather others.
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Phenotypic and Genotypic Study of ESBL and MBL Encoding Genes and Molecular Typing in Acinetobacter Baumannii Strains Isolated from Hospitalized Patients

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Perspectives and Potential Applications of Ruthenium-Based Nanocarriers for Cancer Therapy

Cancer is a highly heterogeneous disease characterised by continuous uncontrolled growth and expansion of abnormal cells. In general, in tumor cells the signalling pathways regulating cellular processes, as cell growth and division and cell to cellcommunication result strongly altered.
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Editorial Board Members Related to phenotypic

Paulo Nunes Costa Filho

School of Physical Education and Sports, Rio de Janeiro Federal University, Av. Carlos Chagas Filho, 540 - Cidade Universitária, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, 21940-901, Brazil.
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