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Articles Related to placebo controlled trial

Pharmacy Compounding Quality Control and Pharmaceutical Development Strategies for Seventeen alpha Hydroxyprogesterone Caproate in Prevention of Preterm Delivery

Seventeen alpha hydroxyprogesterone caproate (17-OHPC) is the only FDA-approved drug labeled for prevention of preterm delivery. This drug is also available as a compounded product from licensed compounding pharmacies. This article reviews the FDA approval history and pharmacy compounding quality control data of 17-OHPC, as well as briefly discusses possible future pharmaceutical development strategies for 17-OHPC.
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Understanding the Value of Case Reports and Studies in the Context of Clinical Research, Research Design, and Evidence-Based Practice

Case reports and studies may be defined as the non-experimental description of an individual or a few of cases in terms of new or unusual presentation of the diseases, an unexpected disease course or pathophysiology, and new effects (either beneficial or detrimental) of existing medications or procedures. Although they suffer from the non-experimental nature and other potential bias and errors, case reports and studies have played and will continue to play an important part in the advancement of medicine.
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