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Articles Related to proinflammatory

Dietary Omega-3 Intakes in Southern African American and Southern Caucasian Women

Given the greater incidence and severity of obesity in Southern African American (SAAW) than Southern Caucasian women (SCW), it is important to determine factors contributing to this metabolic, racial disparity. Traditional Southern foods contribute to dietary patterns high in fat.
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Procalcitonin versus C-Reactive Protein in Neonatal Sepsis

Urinary tract infection (UTI) is the most common serious bacterial infection in febrile children younger than 3 months, with reported rates ranging from 5% to 20% depending on different series. Neonates and infants up to age 2 months who have pyelonephritis usually do not have symptoms localized to the urinary tract.
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Thoroughbred Race Horses Management: A Key Role of the Veterinarian

The veterinarian must confront many situations when working with thoroughbred horses in which he must solve and make decisions that lead to balance between the animal and trainer / owner of the horse, the above should be resolved in an ethical and professional manner.
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Editorial Board Members Related to proinflammatory

Shi J. Liu

Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences
University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
United States

Walter Royal

Department of Neurology
University of Maryland
United States

Parameswaran Ramakrishnan

Assistant Professor
Experimental Pathology
Case Western Reserve University
United States
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