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Articles Related to quantum dots

Detection of the Triclorfon Base on Bioluminescence Resonance Transfer among Functional CdZnSe/ZnS Quantum Dots

The synthesis of ternary quantum dots (TQDs) have a significant effect on the use of nano scale crystals in biology, photonics and photovoltaic. Rather than controlling the size of TQDs, making three-component TQDs is also an approach to changing the energy of their barrier width, typically using three-component substances such as Znx Cd1-xSe.
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A Review on Nanoprobes for Sensing, Imaging and Disease Detection

This review focuses on imaging, visualization and detection of diseases using nanoprobes. Several currently available nanoprobes such as fluorescent nanoprobes, upconversion nanoparticle probes, supermagnetic iron oxide nanoprobes, and polymer- and liposome based nanoprobes are discussed.
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Perspectives and Potential Applications of Ruthenium-Based Nanocarriers for Cancer Therapy

Cancer is a highly heterogeneous disease characterised by continuous uncontrolled growth and expansion of abnormal cells. In general, in tumor cells the signalling pathways regulating cellular processes, as cell growth and division and cell to cellcommunication result strongly altered.
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Editorial Board Members Related to quantum dots

Moinuddin Sarker

Natural State Research Inc.
Stamford, Connecticut
United States
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