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Articles Related to randomized trial

Labetalol in Comparison to Methyl Dopa in Treatment of Gestational Hypertension, A Randomized Trial

To evaluate the value and safety of labetalol in comparison to Alfa methyldopa in treatment of pregnant women with pregnancy-induced hypertension (PIH). 264 patients with PIH were randomly distributed to take either methyldopa (group 1) labetalol (group 2). or Intake of medications with respect to Age, gravidity, Blood Pressure measurement, albumin in urine measurement Levels, Side Effects, dose of the drug, increasing duration of pregnancy, mode of delivery, Perinatal safety and APGAR scores were studied. The statistical level of significance was taken at P<0.05.
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Nutrition Research and Human Disease: A Critical Appraisal of Mechanistic Research, Cohort Studies, and Randomized Trials

A major part of nutrition research consists of the investigation of how food components affect the biochemical and physiologicalprocesses within the body. The rationale is that this mechanistic research will lead to a fuller understanding of disease etiology thereby generating information of practical value for the treatment and prevention of disease.
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Understanding the Value of Case Reports and Studies in the Context of Clinical Research, Research Design, and Evidence-Based Practice

Case reports and studies may be defined as the non-experimental description of an individual or a few of cases in terms of new or unusual presentation of the diseases, an unexpected disease course or pathophysiology, and new effects (either beneficial or detrimental) of existing medications or procedures. Although they suffer from the non-experimental nature and other potential bias and errors, case reports and studies have played and will continue to play an important part in the advancement of medicine.
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A New Platform for Sharing Research and Teaching Experience

Case reports are considered to be brief reports describing an episode of clinical case or a small number of cases. They may describe new or uncommon diagnoses, unusual outcomes or prognosis, new or unusual imaging findings, new or infrequently used therapies and side effects of therapy not previously discovered in clinical trials
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