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Articles Related to rupture

Analysis of Risk Factors of Acute Myocardial Infarction Combined with Ventricular Septal Rupture

A total of 2090 cases of acute myocardial infarction and 63 cases of acute myocardial infarction combined with ventricular septal perforation were collected from Fuwai Huazhong Cardiovascular Hospital from September 2017 to January 2021. 189 cases of type 1 acute myocardial infarction were randomly selected according to the ratio of 1:3 as a control group, the patients collected and analyzed clinical data, the risk factors of AMI and VSR.
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Ampullary Localization of Unruptured Ectopic Pregnancy of Eighteen Weeks about a Case

Ectopic pregnancy is therefore implanted out of the normal implantation site of the uterine cavity. It is a surgical emergency that can compromise the vital prognosis and fertility of patients when the diagnosis is made at the stage of rupturing. Its incidence has doubled or even tripled in the world in the last two decades. Although it still remains the leading cause of maternal mortality in the first trimester by tubal rupturing accounting for 13% of maternal deaths this increase is closely linked to several factors such as sexually transmitted infections, history of salpingitis, tubal surgery, abortions, inert or progesterone associated IUD use and smoking. Tubal location is by far the most common (96 to 99% of cases). The clinical signs are therefore relatively late and the rupture of the tube is preceded by a fissure syndrome. We report a rare case of unruptured ampullary pregnancy that has evolved to 18 weeks.
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Rupture of a Giant Caesarean Scar Endometriosis Nodule - A Case Report and Literature Review

Abdominal wall endometriosis is a rare condition occurring after caesarean section. A small painful nodule or lump near post caesarean scar is the common presentation. Large size endometrial nodules in anterior abdominal wall are uncommon and bleeding is very rare complication. In a thirty two years female a giant size endometrial nodule developed in a post caesarean scar. This patient presented as emergency during menstruation because of pain and lump with bluish discolouration. This case is reported for post caesarean scar large size endometriosis with extravasation of blood in surrounding anterior abdominal wall. This giant size endometriosis in anterior abdominal wall involving rectus abdominis muscle was successfully excised with a margin. The residual large size defect was repaired using polypropylene mesh.
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Association between Delay in Surgical Treatment and Perforation in Acute Appendicitis

Acute appendicitis is a prevalent emergency surgical pathology and without prompt intervention may lead to gangrene, perforation and death. Increased mortality and morbidity will increase the hospital stay and the costs. We aimed to see the association between surgical treatment and perforation.
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Closed Traumatic Avulsion of Extensor Digitorium Communis and Extensor Indicis Proprius of Index Finger at the Musculotendinous Junction

Closed traumatic rupture of extensor tendons of the fingers at the musculotendinous is rare. In fact the common sites of a closed rupture are distal attachment at the distal phalanx as well as at the attachment of the central slip at the base of the middle phalanx.
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Persisting Cough as the Single Presenting Symptom of an Intrathoracic Tumor in a Nine-Month-Old Child with Adenovirus Airway Infection

We report on a nine-month-old girl who presented with persisting cough, and diminished ventilation of the left hemithorax. Viral pneumonia was suspected after Adenovirus detection by PCR, but chest X-rays showed a persistent shadowing of the left hemithorax and persistent coughing despite clinical improvement. Because of the discrepancy between clinical and radiological signs further investigations by ultrasound and CT scan were performed, which visualized an intrathroracic tumor. Histopathology confirmed diagnosis of a teratoma.
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Vertebro-Spinal Hydatidosis: Case Report

Hydatid disease is caused by the larval form of parasitic tapeworm; Echinococcus granulosus. Primary spinal hydatid disease is rare. Primary bone localization is rare and it accounts between 0.5% and 4%. Spinal localization accounts for less than 1%. The infection may be misdiagnosed initially.
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Appendicitis in Pregnancy: How Vestigial is this?

Appendicitis is a rare pregnancy associated surgical emergency, with appendectomy as the most frequent non obstetrical surgical procedure performed in pregnancy. Diagnostic delay increases maternal and fetal morbidity and mortality thereby highlighting the need for a prompt diagnosis and surgery. Two cases of appendicitis with pregnancy are being reported with abdominal pain as common presenting feature.
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Procalcitonin versus C-Reactive Protein in Neonatal Sepsis

Urinary tract infection (UTI) is the most common serious bacterial infection in febrile children younger than 3 months, with reported rates ranging from 5% to 20% depending on different series. Neonates and infants up to age 2 months who have pyelonephritis usually do not have symptoms localized to the urinary tract.
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Editorial Board Members Related to rupture

Yi Qian

Australian School of Advanced Medicine
Macquarie University
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