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Surgical Outcome of Cubital Tunnel Syndrome Using the MHQ and DASH: A Retrospective Patient-Reported Assessment

In German speaking countries the cubital tunnel syndrome (CUTS) is better known as sulcus nervi ulnaris syndrome. Next to the carpal tunnel syndrome, it is the second most common neuropathic compression disease in the upper limb [1]. Due to the anatomical positioning of the ulnar nerve at the dorsal area of the elbow, it is located in a vulnerable area where it is exposed to stretch and compression forces in the ulnar nerve sulcus.
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Proximity of the Sciatic Nerve in Relation to the Posterior Approach to the Hip, and its Relationship to Femoral Head Size

The posterior approach to the hip joint involves operating in close proximity to the sciatic nerve. Iatrogenic injury to the sciatic nerve has been reported to occur in 0.6 - 1.9% of cases [1]. Stretching, transection or suturing of the nerve may occur during access or while closing the capsule and short external rotators to the hip.
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Warfarin-Induced Tissue Necrosis (WITN): Case Report and Literature Review, A Proposed Name Change

Warfarin is the most frequently prescribed oral anticoagulant in the United States. Its indications range from treatment of deep venous thrombosis and pulmonary emboli to the prophylaxis and treatment of thromboembolic conditions associated with atrial fibrillation and cardiac valve replacement. While bleeding is the most commonly encountered complication warfarin induced skin necrosis (WISN) can be a rare complication. Extensive skin and deeper tissue necrosis may be encountered requiring multiple surgical debridement and reconstructive procedures along with the medical management.
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