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Articles Related to urinalysis

Sysmex UD-10 should Accompany UF-5000 in Managing Atypical Cells in Urine

Sysmex UF-4000/5000 uses fluorescence flow cytometry technology and hydrodynamic focusing for urine sediment analysis, where particles are stained by specific fluorochromes for nucleic acids and surface structures and then sent through the semi-conductor laser beam. Atypical cells show side fluorescence and scattered light properties indicating their enlarged nuclei and increased nucleus/ cytoplasm ratio
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Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease (Flutd) – An Emerging Problem of Recent Era

Feline lower urinary tract disease (FLUTD) is a supposed to a life threatening condition in cats, especially in males (Toms), when obstructive. Early diagnosis and treatment is necessary otherwise it may lead to death. Condition appears with stranguria, pollakiuria, dysuria and sometime in severe conditions hematuria and anuria may be present. Similar five cases of age ranging from 3-6 years, with common history of commercial feed and indoor placement were examined during the course of 3 month. Firstly clinical evaluation including clinical parameters and physical manipulation was done followed by laboratory tests. Complete blood count (CBC) didn’t give any significant change but urinalysis results were quite doubtful with high values of specific gravity (SP), pH, erythrocyte, bacterial and leukocyte count.
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