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Articles Related to veterinarians

Community Perception towards Traditional Healers and Health Centers on Management of Dog Bites and its Relation with Veterinary Public Health Activities

A survey was conducted to investigate whether the community uses traditional healers or modern health centers after exposure to dog bites and veterinary public health responses on the issues in Arba Minch, Ethiopia. Two stage cluster and simple random sampling procedures were employed to select inhabitants and other target study population for this study.
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Anti-Inflammatory and Anti-Arthritic Efficacy and Safety of Purified Shilajit in Moderately Arthritic Dogs

The objective of this investigation was to evaluate the efficacy and safety of purified Shilajit in moderately arthritic dogs. Ten client-owned dogs in a randomized double-blinded study received either a placebo or Shilajit (500 mg) twice daily for a period of five months. Dogs were evaluated each month for physical condition (body weight, body temperature, heart rate, and respiration rate) and pain associated with arthritis (overall pain, pain from limb manipulation, and pain after physical exertion).
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Editorial Board Members Related to veterinarians

Mahmoud Abdelghaffar Emam Hussein

Assistant Professor of Histology and Cytology
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
Benha University

Ayman Abdel-Aziz Swelum

Department of Animal Production
College of Food and Agriculture Sciences
King Saud University
Saudi Arabia


Department of Epizootiology and Clinic of Infectious Diseases
Lublin University
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