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Articles Related to diastolic filling

Changes in Heart Function in Patients with Heart Failure after the Completion of Land-Based and Partial Water-Based Exercise Programmes

Opinion is divided as to the changes in ventricular function brought about by exercise, with few studies on water-based exercise programmes for heart-failure patients. This study investigates whether following a partial water-based exercise programme could lead to an earlier improvement in ventricular function in heart-failure patients compared with a land-based exercise programme.
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The Echocardiographic Tei-index Compared to Transpulmonary Thermodilution Measurement With Different Hemodynamic Biomodels

Cardiopulmonary interaction plays an essential role in critically ill pediatric patients. Accurate assessment of cardiac output and myocardial function has been considered vital in the successful treatment of any such patients. There are several techniques for monitoring cardiac output in seriously ill patients. The use of transpulmonary thermodilution technique for cardiac output measurements via in-dwelling pulmonary arterial catheter is considered one of the most reliable methods of hemodynamic monitoring in paediatric patients.
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