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Articles Related to mycophenolate

Treatments for Atopic Dermatitis

Atopic dermatitis, also known as eczema, affects about 10-20% of children in the UK and about 1-3% of adults [1]. The incidence of atopic dermatitis has increased as much as 3 fold in the past 40 years
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Drug Tolerability and Outcomes in Kidney Transplant Recipients Treated with Two Formulations of Mycophenolic Acid

Mycophenolic Acid (MPA) is one of the most widely used immunosuppressive agents in kidney transplantation. This study was designed to compare the safety, tolerability and efficacy of two formulations of mycophenolic acid, Mycophenolate Mofetil (MMF) and Enteric-Coated Mycophenolate Sodium (EC-MPS), in renal transplant recipients.
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