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Articles Related to parathyroid hormone

Treatment of vitamin D deficiency in children and adolescents

Both high prevalence of poor vitamin D status and obesity in children and adolescents are known health problems, but there is not enough information about adequate dose of vitamin D to treat these children.
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Mckittrick-Wheelock Syndrome and Diabetes Insipidus

Secretory villous adenoma is characterized with watery diarrhea, which may lead to dehydration, with resulting volume depletion, electrolyte imbalance, circulatory failure and renal dysfunction. We hereby report a case of villous adenoma associated with severe electrolyte imbalance complicated by diabetes insipidus.
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Development of Severe Hypophosphatemia from Acquired Fanconi Syndrome during Treatment with Abiraterone

The first patient was a 77 year old man who had been on abiraterone for 12 months before his phosphorous was checked. At that point, it was 0.6 mg/dl, which is severely decreased. A full work up for hypophosphatemia showed normal parathyroid hormone and 25-hydroxyvitamin D. A urine study showed inappropriate excretion of phosphorous along with aminoaciduria and normoglycemic glucosuria.
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