• Journal of Immunology and Infectious Diseases
  • Journal of Immunology and Infectious Diseases
  • Journal of Immunology and Infectious Diseases
Scientific Research Highlights
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Persistent Pneumonia in an Infant.

A 4-month-old boy with past medical history of eczema presented with fever and cough; a chest radiograph showed lung consolidation, and he was initially treated with amoxicillin for presumed community-acquired pneumonia. After several days, his fever persisted. He was also profoundly anemic. Antibiotic coverage was broadened because of the concern for resistant organisms.

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Diverse functional outcomes of Plasmodium falciparum ligation of EPCR: potential implications for malarial pathogenesis.

Plasmodium falciparum-infected erythrocytes (IRBC) expressing the domain cassettes (DC) 8 and 13 of the cytoadherent ligand P. falciparum erythrocyte membrane protein 1 adhere to the endothelial protein C receptor (EPCR). By interfering with EPCR anti-coagulant and pro-endothelial barrier functions.

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Characterization of SMAD3 Gene Variants for Possible Roles in Ventricular Septal Defects and Other Congenital Heart Diseases.

Nodal/TGF signaling pathway has an important effect at early stages of differentiation of human embryonic stem cells in directing them to develop into different embryonic lineages. SMAD3 is a key intracellular messenger regulating factor in the Nodal/TGF signaling pathway

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Infectious dose and repeated infections are key factors influencing immune response characteristics in guinea pig ocular chlamydial infection

The aim of this study was to determine whether infectious dose of Chlamydia caviae after repeated infections influences the immunological responses and subsequent clearance of pathogen at the ocular surface of guinea pigs.

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Incidence of Humoral Hypercalcemia of Malignancy among Hypercalcemic Patients with Cancer

Malignancy-associated hypercalcemia (MAHC) is the most common cause of hypercalcemia among hospitalized patients. MAHC can result from the production of parathyroid hormone related peptide (PTHrP) which is known as humoral hypercalcemia of malignancy (HHM). HHM is commonly thought to account for approximately 80% of MAHC.

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Adeno-associated Virus Gene Therapy Vector scAAVIGF-I for Transduction of Equine Articular Chondrocytes and RNA-Seq Analysis

IGF-I is one of several anabolic factors being investigated for the treatment of osteoarthritis. Due to the short biological half-life, extended administration is required for more robust cartilage healing.

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ARE unilateral and bilateral knee osteoarthritis patients UNIQUE subsets of knee osteoarthritis? A biomechanical PERSPECTIVE

To compare the gait of adults with unilateral and bilateral symptomatic and radiographic knee osteoarthritis (OA) to determine whether these subgroups can be treated similarly in the clinic and when recruiting for randomized clinical trials.

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Preventive malaria treatment for contacts of patients with Ebola virus disease in the context of the west Africa 2014-15 Ebola virus disease response: an economic analysis

After the detection of an Ebola virus disease outbreak in west Africa in 2014, one of the elements of the response was to contact trace and isolate patients in specialised Ebola treatment units (ETUs) at onset of fever.

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Larvicidal activity, inhibition effect on development, histopathological alteration and morphological aberration induced by seaweed extracts in Aedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae)

To investigate the larvicidal activity, inhibition effect on development, histopathological alteration and morphological aberration induced by the extracts derived from seaweeds Bryopsis pennata, Sargassum binderi and Padina australis.

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A multidisciplinary antimicrobial stewardship programme safely decreases the duration of broad-spectrum antibiotic prescription in Singaporean adult renal patients

Patients with chronic kidney disease have increased risk of infections. Thus, physicians may favour prolonged broad-spectrum antibiotic use. Studies focused on antimicrobial stewardship programmes (ASPs) in renal patients are currently lacking.



  • Journal of Immunology and Infectious Diseases

    Journal of Immunology and Infectious Diseases (JIID) is a multi-disciplinary peer-reviewed open access journal that encourages accurate research and makes a significant contribution to advancing knowledge for immunological application in the treatment of various infectious diseases. It aims to publish most complete and reliable source of information on the discoveries and current developments in the form of research, review, case reports and short communication articles. All articles are peer reviewed and published under the guidance of our Editorial Board members.

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