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Articles Related to Bronchiectasis

Does the Etiology of Bronchiectasis Change Over the Years, One Central Experience

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Amyloid Goiter Showing a Systemic Amyloidosis (A Case Report)

Amyloidosis is the finale pathway of a metabolic disorder in the body that can be primary or secondary leading to abnormal extracellular deposition of proteins in one or more tissues. Thyroid damage is very rare.
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Productive Cough and Bilateral Ptosis

We present a case report of a patient with Mounier-Kuhn syndrome. The clinical, radiological and endoscopic illustrations contribute to the awareness and recognizability of this rare and under-diagnosed pulmonary syndrome. It is characterized by tracheobronchomegaly and tracheomalacia, leading to ineffective mucociliary clearance, recurrent respiratory infections and bronchiectasis. Computed tomography is the golden standard for diagnosis. Etiology remains unknown. Prognosis depends on adequate treatment and prevention of respiratory infections.
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