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Articles Related to HBP

His Bundle Pacing: Short Review of Literature and Technical Aspects

History of pacing has evolved from the primitive state of temporary transvenous pacing by a large fixed machine to leadless modern technology. The pacing site has also been changed from traditional right ventricular apex to various other sites. The concept behind such experiment was due to several complications in the long term from traditional Right Ventricular Apical Pacing (RVAP). The His Bundle pacing results in conduction and contraction similar to and more often called physiological pacing. This mini-review describes the short history of the evolution of the concept of His Bundle pacing and its technical aspects of successful implantation.
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Anthropometric Predictors for Multiple Risk Factor Aggregation in Adults from Maracaibo City

There are several anthropometric measures that are useful for diagnosis obesity and also are related to the development of different cardiovascular risk factors. The purpose of this study was to determine the predictive ability of various anthropometric parameters for the multiple risk factors aggregation (MRFA) in the adult population of the city of Maracaibo-Venezuela.
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