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Articles Related to SAL

Marsupialization Technique in Sublingual Ranula Treatment: Clinical Case Report

Ranula is a pocket of mucus that forms under the tongue due to blockage of the salivary glands, usually causing swelling and discomfort. Treatment can range from conservative measures, such as hot compresses, to surgical interventions to drain or remove the affected gland. This article reports the case of a ranula in an 11-year-old patient, which was clinically diagnosed and confirmed after the marsupialization technique. The histopathological examination revealed typical characteristics, such as thin epithelial lining and the presence of mucin, proving the diagnostic hypothesis. The treatment was effective, contributing to the clinical and histopathological understanding of this condition. This case report contributes to the existing literature by providing clinical and histopathological insights that can guide healthcare professionals in effectively managing this condition
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Ecological Risk Assessment of Desalination Plants Discharges on the Marine Environment Red Sea, Egypt

Desalination has become one of the main alternatives to compensate for water shortages. Although seawater desalination is expensive and has many environmental risks, it is still an important option to compensate for water shortages in Egypt. The discharge of liquid waste (especially heavy metals) from the station into the sea has a negative impact on the water, so the spatial distribution of heavy metals (lead, cadmium, and copper) shows high concentrations near the outlets of both AlQusayr and the port of Al-Qusayr. Hamata desalination plants in the southern Red Sea. As for higher quantities of heavy metals - higher than the standard values - such as (Cu, Pb, Cd), they are classified as seawater pollutants, whether they show evidence of toxicity or not. The study demonstrated that seaweed has bio-absorption properties and can effectively absorb heavy metals from the surrounding water, and thus it can serve as a bio-indicator in tools for monitoring the degree of pollution, as well as evaluating water desalination activities
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Leveraging Electronic Medical Records for Legal Compliance and Improved Reimbursement Efficiency

Background and Objective: Septic shock remains an impatient cause of morbidity and mortality. Early restitution of the circulation improve tissue oxygen delivery and increase survival. This study is a prospective randomized single center study its main objective is to investigate the therapeutic value of hypertonic saline in patients with septic shock. Methods: Fifty-two critically ill patients admitted with septic shock divided into two groups, the first group received isotonic saline (control group) starch, while the second received hypertonic saline 5%.
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Central Obesity, Physical Activity, Basal Metabolism, and Body Composition in Adults: A Systematic Review

: Obesity is a global epidemic with serious consequences for countries. Objective: This work aims to systematically review the available evidence on the relationship between basal metabolism (BM), body composition, and physical activity (PA) with central obesity. Methodology: The search strategy was carried out using Web of Science, PubMed, Google Scholar, and SciELO following the PRISMA guidelines. The STROBE checklist and the Jadad scale were also used for quality assessment.
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An Unusual Lesion on The Palate: A Rare Case Report

Minor salivary glands are present in most parts of the mouth. They are the important components whose secretion directly bathe the tissues of the oral cavity. Smoking is the most commonly seen deleterious habit among men which directly affects minor salivary glands in the palate. Smoking also causes stomatitis nicotina in the oral cavity.
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A Review on Veterinary Medical Waste Disposal and Management

The purpose of this review is to highlight environmentally sound disposal methods of veterinary pharmaceutcals wastes and the risks associated with its improper disposal, with a systematic review. Pharmaceuticals are produced and used in large volumes increasingly every year throughout the world. Medicinal waste products are medicinal products which are not fit for sale or supply. Waste produced in veterinary practice in common with other medical disciplines can be broken down into general waste similar to household waste, clinical waste and hazardous waste. Disposal of pharmaceutical compounds is becoming a complex environmental issue. The safety and health of the environment is directly affected by the disposal methods. Improper medical waste disposal and management causes all types of pollution (air, soil, and water). Proper waste management have to be undertaken to ensure that it does not affect the environment and not cause health hazards to the people living there. Different types of medical waste require different disposal techniques. The appropriate safe disposal method recommended will depend principally on the pharmaceutical dosage form of the drugs. One of the best advisable veterinary waste disposal practices is to store the waste properly before collection and transportation. Some general medical waste can be disposed of in landfill, others require specialist treatment such as a medical incinerator. Appropriate safety precautions, which minimize the risk to the health and safety of pharmacy staff, should be taken when handling medicinal waste products. Extra precautions should be taken by staff in high-risk groups as they may be at increased risk if they come into contact with particular substances. The cost of pharmaceuticals waste disposal comprises of direct costs of supplies and materials used for collection, transport, storage, treatment, disposal, decontamination and cleaning, the cost of labor and material for training and maintenance, and will vary depending on the treatment method chosen, the capacity of the treatment facility and according to the waste quantity and quality.
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Effects of Gabapentin Enacarbil on Cortical Arousals, Heart Rate, Blood Pressure and Anterior Tibialis EMG Responses Associated with PLMs in Restless Legs Syndrome

Objective: This study was conducted to investigate the effects of gabapentin enacarbil (GEn) on sleep EEG, heart rate (HR), blood presssure, anterior tibialis EMG activity (PLMs power) and subjective complaints in subjects with moderate to severe RLS and disturbed sleep. Methods: This was a single site, single-blind, placebo run-in, fixed dose single group polysomnography (PSG) study. Eligible subjects (age 24-66 years) were treated with placebo for one week and GEn (600 mg/day) for 4 weeks. Two in-laboratory PSGs were collected for adaptation and baseline at the end of the placebo run-in period and for re-adaptation and efficacy assessment at the end of the 4-week treatment period. The primary endpoint was the difference in PSG derived cortical arousal intensity (arousal scale, 0-9) associated with PLMs between 4 weeks of treatment with GEn and placebo. Secondary endpoints included changes in HR responses (ΔHR), nocturnal systolic blood pressure (SBP) changes (>10 mmHg) secondary to PLMs and PLMs power. Other PSG and subjective measures were assessed. Results: Of 20 subjects enrolled, 18 completed the study. Subjects treated with GEn did not show significant improvements in cortical arousal intensity and ΔHR. However, subjects showed reduced PLMs power (p= 0.013) and associated reductions in nocturnal SBP per hour of sleep (p= 0.041) GEn showed significant improvement in other PSG parameters and subjective endpoints. Conclusion: The data suggests that GEn reduces the frequency and power of PLMs and the corresponding SBP changes in subjects with RLS. Despite reducing the total number of PLM associated arousals and nocturnal HR, the study did not demonstrate consistent effects of GEn on cortical arousal intensity and corresponding HR changes associated with PLMs. Clinical Trial Registration: identifier: NCT02424695
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Determination of ABO Blood Grouping from Different Body Fluids (Saliva)

The ABO blood group typing is the primary serological technique to be performed after collecting the blood sample from the crime scene. Cases like murder, rape, hit and run has the crime scene where we can easily find blood stains. But in some cases criminals remove those stains in order to conceal the evidence.
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Transversal Pertussis Sero-Epidemiological Study in Fully Vaccinated Children and Adolescents in Antananarivo, Madagascar, and in Dapaong, Togo

African region is thought to contribute to >50% of deadly cases of pertussis worldwide, however surveillance and available data on Bordetella pertussis circulation are limited. Currently, pertussis vaccination schedule in most African countries is restricted to a primary immunization consisting of three doses during the first year of life using whole pertussis vaccines for which effectiveness is not known.
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Erythematous, Hyperkeratotic Papule on the Left Distal Dorsal Aspect of the Middle Finger

Dermatofibroma (DF) is a common benign fibrosing lesion that can be found on any surface of the body, most often in the lower extremities. Dermatofibroma that arises on the digits, as in our present case, may be confused with other clinical entities or even malignant tumors, leading to unnecessarily aggressive treatment. To ensure proper diagnosis and treatment, dermatofibroma should be considered in the differential diagnosis of digital papules.
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Risk Progression in Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis: Literature Review and Scale Proposal

To identify the main risk factors for the progression of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis and to create a tool or classification that helps to identify patients with greater potential for the development of serious scoliosis.
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Proposal for a Guideline-Compliant HCC-Imaging Diagnostic Protocol Based on Perfusion-CT Quantification: A Feasibility Study

To adapt the perfusion-CT (PCT) examination-protocol in patients with liver cirrhosis and suspected hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) while keeping diagnostic accuracy and qualitative assessment of tumor enhancement patterns (wash-in/wash-out) at comparable radiation dose.
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Patterns of Tubal Abnormalities Responsible for Infertility in Makurdi, North-Central Nigeria

Infertility is a menace with untoward emotional, financial and sometimes traumatic consequences. This is a retrospective observational study with some interest concerning the epidemiology of tubal infertility in Nigeria. It is the experience of a single center that evaluates the outcome of HSG examination with the main objective of identifying tuberous occlusions at a private Imaging Centre in Makurdi.
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Evaluating Distance Education at Jerusalem Schools during COVID-19 Pandemic from the Point of View of Students with Physical Disabilities

This study aimed at identifying the evaluation of students with physical disabilities of distance education in Jerusalem schools during the COVID-19 pandemic period. The study sample consisted of (54) students suffering from a physical disability, selected from special education schools and public schools in Jerusalem in the scholastic year 2020/2021.
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Colonic Intramucosal Lipoma in Li-Fraumeni Syndrome: A New Finding

Intramucosal lipomas are rare colonic polyps that pose diagnostic challenges, but they are important as potential clues to serious medical conditions. One third of intramucosal lipomas are reported to arise in Cowden syndrome, an inherited cancer syndrome.
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Editorial Board Members Related to SAL

Syed Aitizaz Uddin

Deputy Chief Cardiac Surgery
Pediatric Cardiac Surgeon
Madinah Cardiac Center
Saudi Arabia

Gamal Abdel Nasser Khalil

Department of Soil and Agricultural Chemistry
Faculty of Agriculture
Alexandria University


Professor of Medicine and Graduate Coordinator
Burnett School of Biomedical Sciences
University of Central Florida
United States

Syed Ameer Haider Jafri

Assistant professor
Department of pedodontic and preventive dentistry
King Salman North West Armed Force Hospital
Saudi Arabia

Trevor Archer

Department of Psychology

Salah Aref

Professor of Hematology
Mansoura Faculty of Medicine
Mansoura University

Meijun Zhu

Assistant Professor
School of Food Science
Washington State University
United States

Avinash Shankar

National Institute of Health & Research
Warisaliganj (Nawada), Bihar

Muhammad Nasir Afzal

Professor & Director
Department of physiology
College of Medicine, Alfaisal University
Saudi Arabia

Mohamed Salama

Department of Pharmacy
Modern University for Technology and Information
Cairo, Egypt
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