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Articles Related to SIOP

Suspected Allergic Reaction in Bottlenose Dolphins (Tursiops truncatus)

Over the course of several years, three members of a Bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) group showed periodical bouts of pruritus and dermatological lesions. The affected animals were a 25-year-old cow and her 5 and 7-year-old offspring, all housed in a mixed indoor/outdoor facility. The signs were first noted in 2005 and escalated over time until 2012, when a final diagnosis of the problem was attempted. Diagnostic tests included blood analysis and skin biopsies, swab microbiological cultures from the wheals, intradermal tests and response to treatment with corticosteroids. Clinical picture and histopathological findings, as well as response to methylprednisolone, were considered compatible with an allergic dermatitis.
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Paediatric Radiotherapy in Morocco

In Morocco, through the finding of the Casablanca population-based registry, all cancers are estimated at 35000 new cases par year and 3.2% are aged less or equal 20 years.
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Editorial Board Members Related to SIOP

Carmelo Romeo

Pediatric Surgeon
Department of Pediatric, Gynecological, Microbiological and Biomedical Sceinces
University of Messina

Marc Poirot

Research Director at INSERM
Cancer Research Center of Toulouse
University of Toulouse

Carla Cicala

Department of Pharmacy
University of Naples Federico II

Andreu Palou

Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Nutrition and Biotechnology
University of the Balearic Islands

Giampiero Capobianco

Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics
University of Sassari
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