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Articles Related to hemostasis

Surgical Outcome of Cubital Tunnel Syndrome Using the MHQ and DASH: A Retrospective Patient-Reported Assessment

In German speaking countries the cubital tunnel syndrome (CUTS) is better known as sulcus nervi ulnaris syndrome. Next to the carpal tunnel syndrome, it is the second most common neuropathic compression disease in the upper limb [1]. Due to the anatomical positioning of the ulnar nerve at the dorsal area of the elbow, it is located in a vulnerable area where it is exposed to stretch and compression forces in the ulnar nerve sulcus.
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A Laparoscopic Assisted Minilaparotomy Hysterectomy approach for Very Large Fibroid Uteri of more than 1000 grams – A Preliminary Study

Minilaparotomy has been used for tubal sterilization for decades. It became a new surgical idea described by some who performed minilaparotomy hysterectomy and achieved outcomes that were less invasive than those of traditional open laparotomy. Pelosi and Pelosi 2004 reported a minilaparotomy procedure in patients in whom vaginal hysterectomy was considered contraindicated. Their procedure offered a safe alternative with minimal access and good outcome.
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Editorial Board Members Related to hemostasis

Eva Mischak-Weissinger

Department of Hematology, Hemostasis, Oncology and Stem Cell Transplantation
Hannover Medical School


Associate Professor
Department of Medicine
Virginia Commonwealth University
United States

Han-Mou Tsai

Professor of Hematology
Section of Hemostasis and Thrombosis
Pennsylvania State University
United States
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