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Articles Related to keratinized

Importance of Complete Clinical History in the Management of Parakeratinized Odontogenic Keratocyst: Case Report

The Odontogenic Keratocyst considered potentially aggressive and of high recurrence located between 30 and 60%, with clinical and radiographic characteristics not clearly defined. It occurs at any stage of life. The 70 to 80% of the cases are located in the jaw, commonly in the area of the lower third molar and mandibular angle from where they progress towards the branch and the body. The lesions are long latent, often asymptomatic and can reach remarkable dimensions without significant deformation of the jaw bones. They are often found during the routine radiographic examination.
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Dermatophytosis in a Dog Seropositive for Ehrlichia Spp

In this report, we present a case of dermatophytosis in a dog seropositive for Ehrlichia spp.Mild annular skin lesions observed on initial presentation persisted and became worse during the course of antibiotic therapy. Microscopic examination of the fungal culture of skin scrapings revealed infection with Microsporum gypseum. The patient fully recovered following treatment with topical 1% clotrimazole and antifungal shampoo.
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