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Articles Related to maternity

Prevalence of Cs and Early Maternal Complication, among Cs Delivered Mothers at Jugol Hospital, Harar, Ethiopia

The rise in cesarean delivery has higher maternal risks for the current and subsequent pregnancies. It is associated with short and long term complication as any surgical procedure. As prevalence of Cesarean section increased beyond reminded range without concomitant decrease in maternal and neonatal mortality and morbidity rates significant concern that C/S is over used once women has had one birth by Ceserean section.
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Physician and Patient Perspective to Weight Gain in Pregnancy

Gaining weight outside of the Institute of Medicine guidelines puts a woman and her foetus at an increased risk. Limited or incorrect information is being provided to women during antenatal care. Research shows that physicians do not perceive this as an important issue. We aimed to assess both physician and patient perspective to weight gain in pregnancy as well as assessing physicians current practice to weight management. 71% of women want to be given a target weight to gain during pregnancy; 87% want to be told if they are gaining an inappropriate amount of weight. 87.5% of physicians believe that weight management is important; 31.2% advise patients about weight gain.
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The Perception of a Woman’s Love in a Relationship with a Prisoner is Erotic and Altruistic

Studies have reported the effects of imprisonment on the wives and girlfriends of prisoners, but have not investigated how these women perceive love and commitment. This study analyzes four different styles of love: eros (romantic love), storge (amicably love), mania (possessive love), and agape (altruistic love) in a sample of 96 women who are in relationships with prisoners.
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Editorial Board Members Related to maternity


Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
School of Women's and Children's Health
University of New South Wales

Pankaj Srivastava

VATS Surgeon
Om Surgical Center & Maternity Home
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