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Articles Related to mercaptopurine

Challenges in the Pharmacological Management of Non Hodgkin’s Lymphoma in Children in the Maintenance Phase of Therapy at Kenyatta National Hospital

Non Hodgkin’s lymphoma is an extremely chemo sensitive with a five year event free survival of greater than 90% in developed countries and a one year survival rate of 40-50% in developing countries.
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Development of Severe Hypophosphatemia from Acquired Fanconi Syndrome during Treatment with Abiraterone

The first patient was a 77 year old man who had been on abiraterone for 12 months before his phosphorous was checked. At that point, it was 0.6 mg/dl, which is severely decreased. A full work up for hypophosphatemia showed normal parathyroid hormone and 25-hydroxyvitamin D. A urine study showed inappropriate excretion of phosphorous along with aminoaciduria and normoglycemic glucosuria.
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