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Articles Related to Ischemic stroke

Stroke Mimics: Diagnosis and Management of Patients with Suggestive Clinical Manifestations of Ischemic Stroke

Background and Purpose: Ischemic stroke is a treatable medical emergency. The diagnosis of stroke is mainly clinical and not always so obvious. Intravenous thrombolysis treatment with altepase IV and endovascular treatment have been proved as fist-line beneficial options for eligible patients who have acute ischemic stroke. However, approximately 30% of patients who experience an acute neurological deficit compatible with ischemic stroke fall into the category of "stroke mimics"
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Interleukins Indicators Impacting the Outcomes of Ischemic Stroke

A prospective clinical cohort study covers 108 IS patients. 93 (86,1%) patients were released from the hospital with improvements, but 15 (13,9%) patients did not survive. The study was carried out in the most acute (1st day of hospitalization) and acute (7 days of hospitalization) phases of the IS. The level of interleukins in blood serum was defined by enzyme immunoassay method.
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Neurobiochemical Roles of Low Molecular Weight Antioxidants on Oxidative Stress Biomarkers and Severity of Ischemic Stroke in Wistar Rats

Purpose: To evaluate the neurobiochemical role(s) of low molecular weight (LMWA) antioxidants in the treatment of surgically- induced ischemic stroke (IS) in wistar rats.Methods: Ischemic stroke was induced in wistar rats using middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO). Neurological assessments were carried out using stair case, cylinder test and modified neurological severity score (mnss) methods. Low molecular weight antioxidants (vitamins C, E, α-lipoic acid, dimethyl sulfoxide and mannitol) were orally administered to the rats for two weeks in three different doses (22.5, 45 and 67.5 mg/kg).
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Three Stages of Evolution in the Treatment of Acute Ischemic Stroke: Stroke Unit Care, Intravenous Thrombolysis and Endovascular Therapy

Ischemic stroke is the most frequent cause of disability in adults in the world and its treatment remains a challenge. The care management of stroke patients in organized stroke units has improved and various revascularization approaches have emerged during the past decades. Stroke patients cared in organized stroke units are more likely to survive, to return home and to be functional independency. It is recommended that all patients with stroke, regardless of age, should be cared in a stroke unit. Intravenous thrombolysis with recombinant tissue plasminogen activator delivered within 4.5 hours after symptom onset is the only approved and effective medical therapy in patients with acute ischemic stroke.
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A Case Report of Atrial Myxoma presenting with Cardioembolic Stroke and treated with Intravenous Thrombolytic Therapy

Cardiac myxomas are a potential source of emboli to the brain and elsewhere in the vascular tree. Myxomas are the most common benign primary cardiac tumor in adults. The commonest location of cardiac myxomas is in the left atrium followed by the right atrium and the remainder develops in the ventricles and rarely in the heart valves.
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Wake-up Strokes Are Similar to Known-Onset Morning Strokes in Severity and Outcome

Stroke symptoms noticed upon waking, wake-up stroke, account for up to a quarter of all acute ischemic strokes. Patients with wake-up stroke, however, are often excluded from thrombolytic therapy.
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Editorial Board Members Related to Ischemic stroke

Frank C. Barone

Department of Neurology
SUNY Downstate Medical Center
United States
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