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Articles Related to diseases

Ethnobotanical Knowledge of Rabbit Breeder’s Community for Treating Livestock Diseases in Benin

The study aims to inventory the medicinal plants used in feeding, health and reproduction of rabbits. The surveys were carried out at 248 rabbit’s breeders in southern Benin. The identification of frequent species has been carried out. The ethnobotanical data were analyzed using various quantitative indices calculated for each of the medicinal plants recorded such as relative frequency of citations (RFC), informant consensus factor (ICF), relative importance index (RII), use value (UV), family importance value index (FIV), and level of fidelity (FL).
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Proposed Perioperative Guidelines for Selective Infectious Diseases in the Pediatric Population

It is essential for practitioners to recognize the pathophysiology of commonly presenting infectious diseases and their mode of transmission. This allows healthcare workers to provide a safe perioperative experience for the patient as well as engage in appropriate infection control practices. There are a number of noteworthy pediatric respiratory infections, such as the novel coronavirus, known as Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), and pulmonary tuberculosis.
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Obesity as Behavioral Risk Factors of Chronic Noncommunicable Diseases in Young Gabonese Population

Obesity increases of prevalence of noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) in young active populations worldwide. We sought to investigate the status of young men (n=200) and women (n=200) aged from 18 to 39 years old, living at Libreville, by examining their lifestyles and eating habits, and measuring their anthropometric parameters, including, height, weight, body mass index (BMI), percentages of total muscles, lean mass, body and visceral fats, as well as metabolic age and metabolism at rest.
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Effect of Seed Thermotherapy to Reduce the Viral Diseases of Faba Bean (Vicia Faba L.) in the Interandean Valley of Cochabamba, Bolivia

In Bolivia, the faba bean (Vicia faba L.) is cultivated in the Andean region, Altiplano and Interandean valleys. In these valleys mediumsized and early varieties are cultivated.
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Prevention and Control of Production Limiting Goat Diseases on Small Farms

This article was written in support of development of new strategies to control economically important diseases of goats, and advance the body of knowledge of agricultural professionals and small farmers on disease surveillance and biosecurity for farm operations. The goat industry has been looking for more effective ways to alleviate health problems for a long time. There is an evolving need for scientists, agricultural professionals with expertise in small ruminants, along with the input from goat producers, to develop strategies tailored for specific disease prevalence that affects sustainable small ruminant productions.
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Disseminated Cutaneous Mycobacterium Chelonae Infection in a 9.5-Year-Old Girl with Diabetes

Mycobacterium chelonae is a fast growing mycobacteria that mainly causes localized cutaneous infections. Disseminated cutaneous infections are quite exclusively seen in immunosuppressed individuals. We present a case of disseminated cutaneous infection in a young diabetic patient.
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Scaling up the Ebola Response: What we Learned from AIDS Activism

Thirty years of AIDS activism have taught us many invaluable lessons in responding to rapidly evolving global health epidemics. In this article, I apply five of them-innovative governance and financing; alternative incentives for biomedical research and development on neglected diseases; health systems strengthening; community and civil society engagement; and human rights protection-to the current Ebola epidemic.
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Oral Hygiene Practices and Caries Prevalence among 9-15 Years Old Ghanaian School Children

Good oral hygiene protects against oral diseases such as caries and gum infections. Twice daily tooth brushing with fluoride pastes and flossing are recommended to keep mouth clean and reduce plaque bacterial growth. Poor access to oral cleaning material and dental care services expose children from poor backgrounds to oral diseases.
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Non-ARV Prescriptions and Medication Burden among Commercially Insured U.S. HIV Patients

Accelerated aging and higher co-morbidity prevalence have increased non-antiretroviral (ARV) medications for HIV patients. We examined, over a 12 month period, non-ARV medication burden among HIV-positive patients 18-49 and ≥50 years using a comprehensive U.S. healthcare claims database in an age-and-gender matched analysis (1:3 matching ratio of cases to controls). Primary outcomes of interest included the median and mean number of unique non-ARV drug substances during the one month period with the highest number of prescriptions filled for each individual, and the mean number of unique classes of medication.
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Overweight, Obesity and Abdominal Obesity in Primary School Children in Pavia, Northern Italy

Childhood obesity has been described as the main health-related problem in developed countries, due to its link with physical, social and psychological consequences with an increased risk for developing metabolic and cardiovascular diseases in adulthood.
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Editorial Board Members Related to diseases


Assistant Professor
Department of Pathology
University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine
United States

Esam Hosney Ali Ibraheem

Department of Botany and Microbiology
Assiut University

Marianne Oropeza

Associate Professor
Department of Production Animal Medicine
Norwegian School of Veterinary Science


Department of Periodontology & Oral Implantolog
Temple University
United States


Professor of Global Health
Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME)
University of Washington
United States

Ana Cristina Lindsay

Associate Professor
Department of Nutrition
University of Massachusetts Boston
United States

Guo-Fang Zhang

Assistant Professor
Department of Nutrition
Case Western Reserve University
United States

Yongjun Liu

Associate Professor
Department of Biostatistics and Bioinformatics
Tulane University
United States


Associate Scientist
Department of Neuroscience
Temple University
United States

Grant Dewson

Laboratory Head
Cell Signalling and Cell Death Division
Walter & Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research
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