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Articles Related to placenta

Artificial Placenta: A Novel Approach for Preterm Neonates: Review of Literature

Preterm birth is one of the most common causes of neonatal morbidity and mortality worldwide. Furthermore, the mortality and morbidity are very high in extremely preterm infants born before 28 completed weeks of gestation or those with extremely low birth weight for gestational age (<1000 g). One of the major causes for such a high morbidity and mortality in such infants is respiratory insufficiency, due to poor lung maturity. To overcome these problems and to reduce overall burden of morbidity and mortality associated with immature pulmonary development in preterm neonates, the concept of “artificial placenta” came into picture, which is basically a pump less lung assisted device connected to umbilical vessels that helps in gaseous exchange in neonates with severe respiratory insufficiency.
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Mesenchymal Stem Cells from Different Tissues: Immune Status and Activity

Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) have been found in almost all tissues and due to their regenerative properties represent promising tools in cell-based therapy. Role of MSCs in tissue repair is strongly governed by their interplay with immune cells and regulating factors.
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Ventilation, Chest Compression and Placental Circulation at Neonatal Resuscitation – ILCOR Recommendation 2015

ILCOR now recommends delayed cord clamping of at least 30 seconds in term and preterm neonates. Due to insufficient evidence they provide no specific advice about the neonate that requires resuscitation.
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Effects of Oxytocin and Carbetocin on Haemostatic Variables in Pregnant Women after Cesarean Section

Uterine atony is the first cause of haemorrhage at delivery. To prevent post partum major bleeding uterotonic prophylactic drugs are commonly used after caesarean section. Few studies showed an haemostatic activation after oxytocin infusion while no data are available on carbetocin.
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Pregnancy after Novasure® Endometrial Ablation: Two Cases and a Literature Survey

NovaSure® endometrial ablation is a successful therapy for patients with heavy menstrual bleeding who do not want to preserve fertility. However, endometrial ablation is not a contraceptive treatment. We report two cases of pregnancy after NovaSure® endometrial ablation. Case 1 is a pregnancy in a 44-year old woman.
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Hydrocephalus in Congenital Rubella Syndrome: A Case Report

The Congenital Rubella Syndrome is a multisystemic disease and CNS involvement occurs in the form of microcephaly, mental/motor disabilities, leptomeningitis, encephalitis, vascular damage and retardation of myelination. We report a case of gross non-communicating hydrocephalus in a neonate of Congenital Rubella Syndrome which is a rare presentation.
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Pharmacy Compounding Quality Control and Pharmaceutical Development Strategies for Seventeen alpha Hydroxyprogesterone Caproate in Prevention of Preterm Delivery

Seventeen alpha hydroxyprogesterone caproate (17-OHPC) is the only FDA-approved drug labeled for prevention of preterm delivery. This drug is also available as a compounded product from licensed compounding pharmacies. This article reviews the FDA approval history and pharmacy compounding quality control data of 17-OHPC, as well as briefly discusses possible future pharmaceutical development strategies for 17-OHPC.
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Unusual Presentation of CML in Pregnancy

Leukemia during pregnancy is rare, posing a complex series of questions, including appropriate therapy and maternalcounseling. Management of chronic myelocytic leukemia (CML) during pregnancy is limited.
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Editorial Board Members Related to placenta

Fayez M. Bany-Mohammed

Clinical Professor
Department of Pediatrics
University of California
United States


Assistant Professor
Alpert Medical School
Brown University
United States

Nikolai N. Modyanov

Department of Physiology and Pharmacology
The University of Toledo College of Medicine
United States

Erich Cosmi

Associate Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Department of Woman and Child Health
University of Padua
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