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German Dentists’ Knowledge About How to Proceed in Cases of Suspected Child Abuse and Neglect

Introduction: Studies from several countries have shown that there is a lack of knowledge related to child protection among dentists and their teams. So far, there are no data available about the situation in Germany. Aim of this study is to describe the perception of the role of German dentists in terms of child abuse and neglect. Material and Methods: A questionnaire previously used by other studies regarding the role of dentists in child protection was adapted to German terminology and provided online. The internet address has been shown in different German dentists’ association journals addressing dentists only. The participation was voluntary. Results: A total of 251 (79.68%) dentists completed the questionnaire with valid data, 62.5% reported to have had a sus- picion of child abuse or neglect. Of these, 21,7% had reported their suspicion to the social services. Dentists specialized in pediatric dentistry reported their suspicion more often. Most frequently reported barriers towards contacting social services were uncertainty about diagnosis, fear of violence towards the child and the lack of knowledge in terms of referral procedures. Most of the participants expressed a need for further education. Conclusion: Dentists in Germany are not able to fill their role in child protection matters sufficiently and show a need for undergraduate and continuing postgraduate training.
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Case Series of 141 Melanomas Diagnosed and Managed over 5 years by an Australian Dermatologist: with a Suggested Approach to Suspected Pigmented Lesions

Melanoma is one of the most fatal disorders dermatologists have to diagnose and treat. Despite its prevalence and seriousness, there has been no protocol with consensus suggesting systematic approach for diagnosis and treatment of pigmented lesions. A series of 141 melanomas diagnosed and managed over five years in an Australian dermatology clinicare presented. Also a systematic approach has been suggested for the management of suspicious pigmented lesions and melanomas. It is hoped that this paper provides a platform to open discussion for the development of the best systematic approach.
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Suspected Allergic Reaction in Bottlenose Dolphins (Tursiops truncatus)

Over the course of several years, three members of a Bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) group showed periodical bouts of pruritus and dermatological lesions. The affected animals were a 25-year-old cow and her 5 and 7-year-old offspring, all housed in a mixed indoor/outdoor facility. The signs were first noted in 2005 and escalated over time until 2012, when a final diagnosis of the problem was attempted. Diagnostic tests included blood analysis and skin biopsies, swab microbiological cultures from the wheals, intradermal tests and response to treatment with corticosteroids. Clinical picture and histopathological findings, as well as response to methylprednisolone, were considered compatible with an allergic dermatitis.
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New Approach for Examination of Pattern Evidences: Cases study

Improvement in technology has changed the techniques and pattern of examination of the physical evidences. The technology based gazettes like PDA, Computer and digital camera has improved the process of examination and speed of file-work while examination.
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