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Sigmoid Vaginoplasty in Patient with Complete Androgen Insensitivity: Technique and Outcomes

Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome (AIS), also known as testicular feminization, is a rare medical condition that has garnered increased attention in recent years due to evolving research and therapeutic approaches [1,2], as well as the psychological repercussions it has on patients and the risk of being associated not only with sex cord–stromal tumors but also with rare mesenchymal tumors [3]. AIS results from anomalies in the X chromosome and leads individuals with an XY genotype to exhibit various degrees of female physical traits or complete feminine characteristics
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Idol from within

We already know a lot about the world around us and, in general terms, understand how things work. Of course, some problems have not yet been solved: the behavior of black holes, the mysteries of quantum entanglement, the transparency of dark matter. It is not clear how life arose from dust. However, we hope to eventually understand everything that we do not yet understand, because we believe in the power of our minds. But the problem of the mind itself stands apart. There is nothing more complex in the world than consciousness. Here we have to comprehend ourselves and it is not entirely obvious that this is possible. Let's say the meat grinder is quite primitive, but she doesn't know it.
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Value of Sugarcane Stalks in the Diet of Small Ruminants: Comparison of Protein Enrichment with Saccharomyces cerevisiae Produced By Solid-State Fermentation versus Protein Supplementation with Soybean Mea

A trial was carried out on growing lambs to compare conventional protein supplementation of sugarcane with soybean meal with Saccharomyces cerevisiae enrichment produced by solid-state fermentation. Yeast enrichment enabled sugarcane stalks to increase their crude protein content from 4% to 12%. No difference was obtained between these two forms of supplementation on the daily growth of 80.2 and 76.8 g per day for enriched and non-enriched sugarcane respectively.
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Using Motivational Interviewing in Drug Management: The Determinants, Progression, and Outcome

Substance use is a major health concern in developing countries with associated significant burden and challenges with management. In the management of substance use disorders, significant emphasis is place on motivational interviewing which has been found effective and contributes to well being and positive outcome of care. Therefore how long it takes to make a decision about change and sustain such is very critical in the management of drug use.
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Horizontal Natural Product Transfer: The Origin of the Widespread Alkaloidal Contaminations of Herbal Products

Alarmed by numerous worrying reports by the European Food Safety Authority related to widespread contaminations of plant-derived commodities by poisonous alkaloids (nicotine, pyrrolizidine alkaloids), the sources of these alkaloidal contaminations were investigated. Our studies revealed that alkaloids, which have been leached out from decomposing alkaloidal donor plants, are taken up by the roots of acceptor plants growing in their vicinity. Based on these results the so-called “Horizontal Natural Product Transfer
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Protected Viticulture for Sustainable Grape Production to Cope with the Adverse Effects of Climate Change

Grapes (Vitis vinifera L.) are among the most commonly cultivated horticultural crops on the earth covering an area of 7.5 million hectares with around 70 million tons production. Grapes being highly nutritious are majorly utilized in making beverages or used as fresh and raisin. In today’s world, the most concerned topic in agriculture is continuous change in climatic conditions leading to several negative social, ecological, economical and biological problems. Grapes are delicate fruits, their vines are sensitive towards extremes in temperature, water, heat, duration and intensity of light exposure as well as carbon dioxide and humidity alterations. Hence, one can shift to drought and heat tolerant varieties and certain training and pruning methods suitable to the prevailing environmental conditions. Vineyard management practices, including farm mechanization can be amended for improving the gains, while reducing the input
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Effect of “BEAUTYCOFFEE” on Body Weight A Pilot Study in Patients with Obesity

Background and Aims: Obesity and overweight are associated with a wide spectrum of morbid conditions, which contribute to high prevalence of disability and mortality worldwide. These conditions include the metabolic syndrome, cardio-- vascular and cerebro-vascular events, and fatty liver disease with the possible deterioration to liver fibrosis, cirrhosis and malignancy. Despite the wide variety of treatment options available, which include lifestyle modifications and medical and surgical interventions, obesity is still considered a worldwide pandemic, necessitating the search for additional treatment options. As caffeine exerts weight-reducing properties, we here studied the effect of Beautycoffee, a dietary supplement composed of black and green coffee arabica, together with herbal compounds, believed to be effective towards decreasing body weight.
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Sugarcane Agro-Industrial Health and Safety with Particular Focus on Sudan: A Systematic Literature Review

Sugarcane is a vital cash crop grown in about 200 tropical and sub-tropical countries around the world. Due to its high rates of occupational diseases, accidents, and fatalities the agro industry is regarded as one of the most hazardous industries despite being one of the essential sectors globally regarding food supply and workforce. Most of the world's cane sugar crop is produced In Low- and Middle-Income Countries (LMIC), such as Sudan, where agriculture and farming are still the main sources of income and managing occupational health and safety is challenging
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Imaging in Children with Febrile Urinary Tract Infections

Urinary tract infection (UTI) is most common bacterial infection in childhood, and it may be the first symptom of congenital anomaly of the kidneys and urinary tract (CAKUT) in 30% of children. Prompt diagnosis and treatment are important for the prevention of acute complications as well as renal scarring
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Vibration of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube Resting on Elastic Foundation with Magnetic and Thermal Effects under the Influence of Casimir Force

Nonlinear vibration analysis of dynamic response of carbon nanotube has created noble attention globally because of their properties and applications in tomorrow’s society. In this study, vibration of single-walled carbon nanotubes resting on elastic foundation with magnetic and thermal effects under the influence of Casimir force is presented.
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Assessment of Nutritional Support and its Correlation with Outcome of Critically Ill Children

Malnutrition is a major challenge in caring for critically ill children. Therefore we aimed to assess the nutritional status in critically ill pediatrics. Methods: This is a prospective observational study carried out on180 children admitted into Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) of Menoufia University Hospital. Clinical examination performed including anthropometric measurement, screening for malnutrition risk using Pediatric Yorkhill Malnutrition Score (PYMS) and determination of disease severity by Pediatric Risk of Mortality score (PRISM)
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Outcomes Following Debridement, Antibiotics, and Implant Retention with the Exchange of Modular Components in Hip Periprosthetic Joint Infections

Shin Onodera, Motomi Ishibe (2023) Outcomes Following Debridement, Antibiotics, and Implant Retention with the Exchange of Modular Components in Hip Periprosthetic Joint Infections. J Orthop Physiother 6(1): 101
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Recurrent Ophthalmic Eczema Herpeticum with Hyper Immunoglobulin E Syndrome in A 4 Years-Old Boy

Eczema herpeticum (EH) is a skin infection caused by the herpes simplex virus (HSV) that occurs in individuals with atopic dermatitis. It is characterized by the sudden appearance of vesicles and erosions with crusts over areas affected by eczema. EH can range from mild and self-limiting in healthy adults to life-threatening in children, infants, and immunocompromised patients. Early treatment with antiviral therapy is crucial in preventing complications and mortality. EH is primarily caused by a superinfection of HSV, usually HSV-1, in individuals with atopic dermatitis. Reactivation of HSV is more common than primary infection. Patients with atopic dermatitis are more susceptible to skin infections due to impaired skin barrier function and immune dysregulation. Disseminated cutaneous HSV infection can also occur in individuals with other forms of dermatitis, known as Kaposi varicelliform eruption (KVE)
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Case Report: Pyoderma Gangrenosum in IBD Treated with Tofacitinib

Pyoderma gangrenosum is a rare ulcerating skin disease often presenting as an extra intestinal manifestation of IBD and is difficult to manage. Treatment options for pyoderma gangrenosum include steroids, calcineurin inhibitors and anti TNF agents. Here in, we report a case of recurrent Pyoderma gangrenosum with Ulcerative Colitis that was successfully managed with Tofacintib, a JAK inhibitor
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Feed Intake and in Vivo Digestibility of Dominant Forage of Natural Pasture Supplemented with Acacia albida Leaves in Arab Ewes

A study on the feed intake and in vivo digestibility of dominant forages on natural pasture supplemented with Acacia albida leaves in Arab ewes was conducted from September to October 2020 at the small ruminant station of the Livestock Research Institute for Development (IRED) in N'Djamena, Chad. Sixteen (16) Arab ewes were divided into four groups of four animals each and housed in individual metabolic cages. The adaptation and data collection (urine and feces) periods were 14 and 6 days, respectively
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Ordered Growth of Anodic Aluminum Oxide in Galvanostatic and Galvanostatic-Potentiostatic Modes

The results are presented of obtaining anodic aluminum oxide with an ordered pore arrangement by employing two anodizing modes - galvanostatic mode and combined (galvanostatic + potentiostatic) mode, at high values of the current density and voltage. Use has been made of an oxalate electrolyte and a complex electrolyte comprising oxalic acid and phosphoric acid. Scanning electron microscopy has been used to investigate the surface morphology of the barrier and porous layers and to determine pore sizes and inter-pore distance.
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Electronic-nose Applications in Forensic Science and for Analysis of Volatile Biomarkers in the Human Breath

The application of electronic-nose (E-nose) technologies in forensic science is a recent new development following a long history of progress in the development of diverse applications in the related biomedical and pharmaceutical fields. Data from forensic analyses must satisfy the needs and requirements of both the scientific and legal communities. The type of data collected from electronic-nose devices provides a means of identifying specific types of information about the chemical nature of evidentiary objects and samples under investigation using aroma signature profiles of complex gaseous mixtures containing volatile organic compounds (VOCs) released from manufactured products and parts of the human body. E-nose analyses also provide useful qualitative information about the physicochemical characteristics and metabolic conditions of human subjects without the need for time-consuming analyses to identify all chemical components in human-derived volatile mixtures.
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Fabrication of Ordered Arrays of Anodic Aluminum Oxide Pores with Interpore Distance Smaller than the Pitch of Nano-pits formed by Ion Beam Etching

We investigated a method for preparation of ordered nanopore arrays with the interpore distance of 60 nm by guided self-organization of anodic aluminum oxide with a prepatterned array of pits in the starting Al film.
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Fabrication of Vertical Cu2ZnSnS4 Nanowire Arrays by Two-Step Electroplating Method into Anodic Aluminum Oxide Template

Vertical Cu2ZnSnS4 (CZTS) nanowire arrays have been synthesized via two-step electroplating method into anodized aluminum oxide template. For deposition of CZTS nanowires, anodized aluminum oxide (AAO) was used as the growth mask for the growth of the nanowires. AAO templates with hole sizes of 70 nm in diameter were used in the experiments.
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Fabrication and Luminescence of Anodic Alumina with Incorporated Vanadyl Citrate Chelate Anions

Anodic aluminum oxide doped with vanadyl citrate chelate complex anions was formed by a two-step self-organized anodization in 2 wt. % sulfuric acid containing 0.04 M V2O5 and 0.08 M citric acid at voltage range 13-23 V, and at 0 and 15 oC. The combination of two temperatures and at least four voltages (depending on the applied temperature) was applied as the operating conditions of anodization.
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Synthesis of BaTiO3 Nanowires via Anodic Aluminum Oxide Template Method Assisted by Vacuum-and-Drop Loading

In this paper, we report on the synthesis of BaTiO3 nanowires via the anodic aluminum oxide template method. To fill in the precursors of BaTiO3 into anodic aluminum oxide templates, the vacuum and drop loading method developed in our previous study was used. Ba(CH3COO)2 (barium acetate) and C12H28O4Ti (tetraisopropyl orthotitanate) were used as Ba and Ti sources, respectively. Anodic aluminum oxide membranes with the through-hole diameter of ~200 nm were used as the template for BaTiO3 nanowires.
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Editorial Board Members Related to WI


Associate Professor
Department of Microbiology and Molecular Cell Biology
Eastern Virginia Medical School
United States

Alcides Troncoso

Department of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases
University of Buenos Aires

Zeliha Selamoglu

Department of Medical Biology
Faculty of Medicine
Nigde Ömer Halisdemir University

Shi J. Liu

Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences
University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
United States


Assistant Professor
Department of Pathology
University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
United States

Krishna Hare

Senior Scientist
Central Institute for Arid Horticulture

Craig S. Atwood

Associate Professor
School of Medicine and Public Health
University of Wisconsin-Madison
United States

Abdoulaye Diallo

Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
University of Texas Rio Grande Valley

Fayez M. Bany-Mohammed

Clinical Professor
Department of Pediatrics
University of California
United States

Lan-Juan (Jean) Zhao

Assistant Professor
Department of Biostatistics and Bioinformatics
Tulane University
United States
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